Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday Nov 14 - chill sunday

Today I woke up super late! 11:00pm. Getting up is hard on weekends STILL. I don't think I even look forward to eating enough to wake me up. Still gotta work out something to get me up earlier..

I decided to go shopping with the sister. I grabbed a banana and stuffed it in my mouth before we left. She bought me an early Xmas present! A black olympic 2010 sweater..yay!

While waiting for my sis to get her ears pierced (again) at Claire's I stared at this display of candy apples......couldn't resist and sister seemed to agree that it was a good idea...

So I got the SKOR one! I ate the whole thing.

Did some dropping off and went to Danny's to work. I ate a bowl of cabbage and corned beef soup.

I ate part of this sugar cookie and a hot chocolate too! I love these sugar delicious. I don't think I finished eating it though. I must have left at least half of it at the shop =S. 

My dad encouraged me to eat this azn dessert. Looks like a steamed rice cake rolled in coconut flakes and black bean paste inside. SO GOOD! I love asian desserts! I can't wait til T&T Market arrives at POLO PARK!!!

I headed to the gym to do run off some fat/steam but ALAS my knee cap was still doing stupid things. I can't run and I don't know what to do seeing as I have this DRIVE  to go the the gym but can't do my regular cardio workout. UGH. 

I went Starbucks after to get some serious talking done with K and got a raspberry mocha!

I drove home and my mom prepared dinner for me! Roasted chicken with melted cheese and tomato? or salsa? dressing with yams. I was super hungry but could only eat about 1/3 of this.. appetite gone down the drain. =(. I packed the left overs for lunch tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. T&T is going to Polo??? WHEN?? I don't know why I'm excited because I never go to the one here ... very un-diet friendly but it was SUPER FUN going there for lunch with you.

    That candy apple looks AWESOME!!!

    Here's a great article by Steve Pavlina about how to become an early riser,
