Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 5 @ Villa Cabrini

Today was a short day at villa cabrini. I didn't bake anything. The chef asked me if I was liking the job so far and I said "yes, it's nice" and that "my favourite part is the baking and learning new things". He then said I'll be doing a lot more baking.

Here's what I did today...
a)wipe counters
b)put away dishes
c)go on a 30 minute break. talked to old people.
d)cut up veggies for soup
e)stand around
f)serve lunch
g)clean up


  1. i hope u bake me stuff soon! xx

  2. aww :) of course! I'll try to bake more and bring something for you <3

  3. See maybe you have to show more initiative! Maybe he doesn't know what you want to learn/do.

    i hate posting on this blogspot thing. have to enter in a code each time grrrrrrr
