Wednesday, October 13, 2010

OCT 13 Luna Bar + Awesome Breakfast Food

Today I ate a Luna Bar that Tracy (thank you!) sent through the mail! It was so good and delicious with a hint of citrus. I ate it in less than 3 minutes.. 
 I also ate two of the banana raisin whole wheat muffins that I baked yesterday. (no pic). I didn't have time to pack a proper lunch today because I slept in! Then I went home and ate some regular home food. Boiled cabbage and boiled pork. Kind of bland but when you add fish sauce+lime+hot peppers to it it tastes good! I also ate some left over egg pancake on the side.

I was still kind of hungry after so I ate a giant plum and that filled me right up!!

I went to the laundry mart to wash a giant blanket at 4:30pm. Used my time wisely during this half hour and studied a little bit while waiting.
I got a really bad headache, probably from being dehydrated all day and went home and took a 30 minute nap. I felt sort of relieved but I didn't want to sleep my whole day away. Instead I went downstairs and hunted for another snack. I remember reading about this in Kath's blog. This is her *quick* breakfast!!! SO GOOD!! I used multigrain bread, half a mashed banana, some pecan pieces and almond butter. Best breakfast food food ever!. And it makes you feel like you had such a good wholesome meal. I had it with a never-ending (still drinking it) cup of chai tea!
I am SO eating this tomorrow.
After shopping  with my mom (picked up a cute scarf <3), I came home and ate dinner with her. I ate a handful of cantaloupe bite sized pieces and this delish salad. This salad had: field greens, carrots, cranberry almond trail mix, goat cheese, and sun dried tomato dressing.

Tomorrow will be filled with morning studying, afernoon volunteering (Thursday!), and work at 6:00pm!


  1. I wish I thought to make that breakfast!! It looks super good but I'm out of bananas. :( Maybe I will borrow one of Iona's ... glad you liked the Luna bar and still soooo jealous of your baking skills. I may bug you to bake me some healthy muffins this xmas break!!! <3

  2. Haha, no my baking skills aren't great! I just made what I learned at volunteering mostly. :P. And for sure I will some cool stuff for you this xmas!!!!!! <3! GINGERBREAD! (my fav kind of cookie)
