Friday, October 22, 2010

Oct 21 - Cereal Galore.. and surprise mama steak!

This morning I ate a delicious bowl of cereal for breakfast. I miss eating cereal for breakfast =). Maybe I'd been having to much bread n banana days in a row.
Honey Bunches of Oats
I wanted to show you guys all 13 boxes of cereal in my house. I keep buying cereal without finishing old cereal.. so this is what happens! Lots of choice .. my brother really likes mini wheats cereal.

Cheerios, Flax, Granola,Oatmeal Crisp,Corn Pops, Mini Wheats Strawberry, Mini wheats blueberry,honey bunches of oats, kashi lean!

Vector, Special K, Cranberry Almond
Mini Wheats Original and Frosted!
I packed a super healthy lunch. PB Sandwich, Persimoon, Plum, Apples (uneaten), Oranges (uneaten), banana (uneaten) and some blueberry crackers. I didn't have much of an appetite..

I also discovered that I am IN LOVE with Starbucks orange blossom tea. This is a ggreen tea with a hint of orange. I had this two days in a row!
Orange Blossom
When I got home, I discovered that my mama made some yummy (but cold) steak!! So I ate it. So YUM!!!!!! The bbq sauce was a bit too much I found, but all good. There was also some purple beets! These are really good. They have a sweet taste to them but more fibery than potatoes. There are also some banana peppers on the side ;).

1 comment:

  1. This day looks super healthy. I'm jealous of your cereal stash. Do you ever mix them??? I love mixing little bits of different cereal. So fun because you never know which chunks you'll get next!
