Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sept 14 - evening snack a thon

This morning I woke up at 11:30 and had about 45 minutes to get ready and still managed to rush in packing lunch. I should seriously consider packing lunch at night..so that my lunch food doesn't have to be compromised. My brother drove me to my bus stop today! I ate my normal breakfast: Nutella and bread.  Despite eating nutella and bread every morning (lately), I'm not sick of it yet O_O. But I definitely need to stick some cereal into my diet..more fibre! I got to school a bit late (haha) and sat through the Manitoba Pre-Dietics Partnership Info session. Very informative and a good wake up call on how I need to get on the ball with this preparation.

Rice with veggies+ shrimp and dumplings

For lunch, I ate what I had for dinner last night. Rice(200) with tomato veggies(30)+shrimp(60) and 2 dumplings (100). Again it was too peppery but I was soo hungry! I also ate a chocolate quaker granola bar (100)and a Mott's Fruit Sensation Sauce (50) and a cup of Mint tea! I kind of wish I had a salad or a wrap for lunch but alas no time!!!!! I left my apple alone .. I really need to cut it up into slices so I actually eat it!

Decent Salad
After my HESO meeting I went to my sister's  and her place is LOADED with snacks. Not a good idea to eat there. I started off well. I ate a salad with cottage cheese, cranberry mix and carrots. [133] Then I ate half a package of udon noodles (120) with some chicken stock (10), five baby carrots (13), and an egg (78). [221]. I looked in her cabinets and she had so many chip bags! I ate 12 regular old lays chips and it wasn't that good (120). So  I decided to eat half a cup of pralines and creme ice cream (130). I felt really guilty and so decided to drink a cup of green tea. After this I STILL had the munchies and ate MORE chips (120) and salsa (50).

Udon noodles soo good. Broth was lame though =(


Such creamy goodness.

Tostitos and Salsa
I really have no self control with chips and ice cream. This is why I don't buy either when I go grocery shopping.. tomorrow will be a better day. Too much high fat/salt/sugar snack at the end of the night haha. Now time to go pack my lunch for tomorrow :).

Breakfast: 200
Lunch: 390
Snack1: 150
Dinner: 133+221 = 354
Snack2: 420
Total: 1514

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