Saturday, December 4, 2010

December: the beginning

Friday, Dec 3
Today was a very long day! In a nutshell: physio > park > danny's > whole sale > school > drop off food > park cark > council pic > exam > office hour. Parking is important to include because it is such a pain to find and is time consuming...

For breakfast, I went to Danny's and had a bacon muffin. I was there to pick up some sandwich platters that I'd ordered for my faculty's student appreciation day.

After my exam, I ate a cup noodle purchased at the HESO office. It tasted like soap and I threw half of it away. Unimpressed.

I went home and ate this tiny pork stew thing my Dad made sometime yesterday with rice. It was salty and savoury - my two weaknesses for food!

After a long sleep (3 hours), I woke up feeling terrible! I ate these instant noodles. My mom asked if I wanted any and I agreed.. I wasn't even hungry!

My midnight snack is a cup of neocitron tea, a burger bun with almond butter and a chopped up persimmon..

I apologize for the short detail-less post but I should probably head to bed soon again..

The month of November was like a "treading water" month for me. Everything I've been doing is very last minute and sometimes I feel overwhelmed. This doesn't make much sense to me because my course load isn't that heavy..

For December I want to make attainable goals and keep tabs on how to keep track of them.. expect a meaty post tomorrow!

Thursday, Dec 2
 Today I woke up early to study with an old friend! We had some yummy sushi for lunch @ UMI Sushi. The rolls are: spider, dynamite, chicken teriyaki, yam tempura and california!

Their tea set was so cute! It's much nicer than the ones at Kenko...

After volunteering at healthy start, I made my way to school an studied for awhile. These wer my tools for studying: a banana, toblerone and a clif bar (which I did not end up eating!)

And studying is not complete without  a Starbucks fix! I tried a new tea: vanilla booirbon. It tasted vanilla-y. I would definitely try it again :).

And ended up @ Mcdonalds with Cindy and Phil. Oh dear. I ate a cheeseburger and some of these fries..

Wednesday, Dec 1
I can' believe it's already December. Time really does fly. I still feel like I was getting used to writing November on the top  my note pages.

I skip breakfast often because now I get a ride downtown with my sister and chill at second cup for awhile before heading on the bus to class. This way I'm not late for class..the only downside is I NEVER have time to eat breakfast! I need to wake up earlier than 8:00am =(.

Anyway, this morning I had a yummy french vanilla coffee! Bus was late and ended up being late for class.. I need the beginning of today's food prep notes still!

Lunch was a microwaved hearty entree. This one didn't taste nearly as bad as the really sour one! I managed to finish most of it. The rice in these "western asian" entrees is like Uncle Ben's rice: very hard.  That stuff takes awhile to get used to.


I came home after my last foods lab of the year! Today we made meringue cookies, and a dish called STRATA. It's basically mozza cheese, bread, and veggies baked in a pan. I tasted super good. I would totally make this dish at home. The only real downside is you require 500g of cheese - a fairly huge block!

Today is my Dad's last sick day before going back to work. He made a yummy dinner! Gai-lan with oyster sauce and some home-made bbq'd pork! I made sure not to eat the pork fat.

I also had some sweet soup (tong suy). There were some medicinal-esque beans in there and a whole boiled egg. =S That was weird! I took it out and didn't eat it... I made fun of my dad for putting weird savory stuff in a dessert soup!

I studied with my sis @ her work. We later went to walmart and I *GUILT* picked up chocolate, crackers and chippies...oh dear. Be prepared to see a lot of junk food in the coming posts...


  1. In response to the 'treading water' comment, I definitely know how you feel! Lately I've been feeling like I have no control over my time or days and that external deadlines are driving my daily actions. I know that each person deals with stress in their own way and for me, just taking that extra 5 - 10 minutes before bed to prep lunch and healthy snacks for the following day makes me feel at least as if I have SOME decision and direction.

    Also, in terms of skipping breakfast. This may seem like a silly thing to ask, but why not go the easy granola-bar with piece of fruit routine? That's what Al has started doing before his work (well I'm not sure about the fruit part) he just keeps a box of granola bars in his trunk and eat in his car.

    Please take care of yourself during this stressful time! Health comes first! (I actually went to the hospital yesterday because of stress-related symptoms)

  2. And after reading that comment, I definitely don't mean to come off as preachy! I just want to make sure you are looking after yourself. :)
