Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monday Day 6 @ Villa Cabrini

I'm sitting at starbucks sippin' some delicious iced coffee while waiting for my work to start in about half an hour.. I skipped breakfast again, and all I brought for lunch was a banana! Making time for making food and work is difficult.. 

Work events includes drinking tea with the elderly, chopping vegetables, washing dishes and watching Chef make meat loaf. Not very much.. really.  Already, I dread going to work. I think it's a sign. Thank goodness the position is only two months. The people are fun, and the work environment is very low stress, but it's just so boring. There really is nothing to do there! When I get there, I'll be sippin my tea for 45 minutes, and then chop veggies, then maybe bake something, then watch the Chef make the main dinner dish, allwhile washing the dishes. I then help serve dinner and then eat dinner.  Then I go to school. I think I'd rather spend my time studying minus the baking part. But in their defense, I didn't stay there too long yesterday. We'll see how today goes..

Yesterday was my brother's convocation, so I had a shorter work day than usual. I wasn't very much looking forward to the ceremony, but at least the refreshments were decent :)! We got there 20 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony, so we all didn't have a seat. Since all of us are busy, we didn't have time to come any earlier...thus standing and photo taking is the best mix for exhaustion.

I had a mega headache on the car ride home, and it's still sort of lingering on still. Not looking forward to today's long day!

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