Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday Aug 3

I woke up later than I wanted today...11:00am and started off making yam fries! I bought a yam the other day at superstore and was going to leave it for my mom to deal but TGU's Yam fries looked so good I decided to try to make it myself. To season, I didn't have any cumin that the recipe asked for so instead I used seasoning salt! Baked it at 425 degrees F for 30 minutes and it came out crispy and delicious! Yams are really tough to cut! Much more tough than normal potatoes. I shared it with my siblings ;).

For lunch I ate last night's leftovers: boiled pork (bacon cut?) slices, some steamed fish, and some kind of boiled choy. I put some fish sauce on it to make it more salty. I wish I had some rooster hot sauce though! Also had a small bowl of rice with it. Mmm good!
 At Danny's, I ate half a chicken salad sandwich on whole wheat toast.
I also had one ladle full of italian sausage soup. In the soup, I didn't get any italian sausages but I did get a bunch of beef cubes. It tasted kind of like my Mom's beef stew.
Also had a slice of toast with PB and creamy yogurt which had 4g of protein in it ;)
For dinner I opted for a spinach salad with mandarin orange slices, blueberry goat cheese, tomato cubes, cranberry almond trail mix drizzled with extra virgin live oil greek feta dressing. It tasted so good! I don't know why I stayed away from salads for so long. I like it when I make food myself :D
After hours snack time consisted of a cup of NON CAFFEINATED  tea and some cocoa mini wheats! Unpictured (guilt trip) is some pocky sticks (70 cal) and two blueberry sugar cookies(80 cals)
My street is so ghetto >_<... ;)


  1. Yaaaay for yam fries! Will never buy overpriced greasy bar yam frieds for $7.95 again when it's so cheap and easy to make them!! That chicken sandwich looks good .... is it canned chicken? :P

  2. no it's not canned chicken :P real roasted stuff!
