Saturday, October 23, 2010

Oct 22 - Another Forks Event

For breakfast I had a banana pb sandwich. It kept me full all the way until 1:30! My stomache was making weird noises in my third class and I tried to calm it down with some water but it really wanted some food! If I'd brought a clif bar, all would have been well but I alas I did not =(.

So the next time I ate it was at 11:30ish. I had two bites of beef pieces. I was doing a volunteer taste test session at school and that just happened to be what we were trying. It's quite an interesting experience. Today we were being trained on how to describe aroma and taste. I found it difficult to think of good descriptors for food smells. All in all the beef we tried was pretty bland.

Every time I stop downtown, I walk through The Bay and stare are the shoes/boots in awe.. I know I can't afford to buy anything but that doesn't stop me from looking. In the end I get pretty sad that I can't buy anything and GO HOME. But today I decided  to stop at Sterling randomly and discovered they were having a 50% off already reduced items! I found these and total was  $25+ tax! Yay!

The next REAL meal was at 5:30PM =S. Not good! I really should have really packed something. I ate a bowl of tomato pasta soup and half an egg salad sandwichey.

1.5 Ladle fulls of TOM pasta

Half an egg salad on MG bread
Then came the event! All the tenants at the Forks had to stay a bit later and cater towards this event (still dunno what it was) but there were a lot of people from all over Canada trying out different foods at the Forks! Here's what I picked up while out foods from other shops:
Salmon Cream cheese crepes

Naan bread and chick peas

Only had two bites of this fish n chips + tartar sauce

Some chicken balls

Ate the raspberry and one mini donut

1 comment:

  1. Wow the boots looked like a great find! They look cozy and practical.
