Friday, September 17, 2010

Sept 16 - Serving burns a lot of calories!

Today for brunch I ate 1/2 a cup of rice, ground pork with tofu, and tomatoes as well as ground pork with pepper and onion 300). (My dad made it). It was a good lunch but I felt like I needed to eat more. So I ate milk and vector! (150)

Then I went volunteering and we made bean and tomato soup. (150) I had a ladle full. It's pretty easy to make. Basically open a bunch of cans of beans, tomatoes and macaroni and throw it in the pot.

I stopped by Starbucks before work and had a Tall cup of coffee with honey and milk. (100)

Work was pretty busy! I was constantly moving and walking really fast. At the end, I had to vacuum the whole restaurant and that made me sooo tired! I was starting to sweat. I must've burned a lot of calories working.. don't know much though  I looked through some forums about waitressing/serving and apparently you burn 120-150 calories an hour. I worked for 5 hours and for 4 I was constantly in motion. (120x4 = 480 calories?) Crazy!  To know for sure I need to purchase a count the number of steps I take. Maybe! 

While at work I ate rice with winter melon, pieces of beef and cucumber. It tasted like something my parents would make at home. Yum! (260)

I went grocery shopping with K after work and bought a bunch of yummy stuff! This includes bread, granola and yogurt! I was hungry after so I ate bread and nutella (160), granola and yogurt (170) and half a cup of milk (45). 


Brunch - 450
Snack - 150
Coffee - 100
Dinner - 260
Snack - 375
Total - 1335
Serving: 480
1335-480 = 855.


  1. Walmart has these pedometers that also count how many calories you burn when you're doing an activity! You should check those out! Serving would definitely be good exercise if you're always on your feet .. it's a lot of walking! That's one of the reasons why I don't like the idea of working at a desk for the next 50 years. It would be nice to have a job that allowed for some movement and exercise .... you wouldn't even have to go to the gym ever. :(

  2. Lindaaaaaaaa U worked hard today!! go go little lamb sista <3

    oh yea, and thank u for lunch. imma take a photo later and put on twitter :D

    i'm currently eating apple and kashi gross granola bar :P

  3. never had tofu for breakfast...maybe i should start
